The TS-750 kit consists of the TS-750 compliance monitor, probe(s), float(s) and installation kit. Please specify the diameter of each tank and the product stored in each tank when ordering. The following kits are currently available.
TS-750 110 VAC Models
TS-750 Console Ordering Guide
The TS-750 is designed specifically for underground fuel storage tanks. When ordering, specify the number of tanks, the diameter of each tank and the product type for each tank. INCON will provide the appropriate TS-750 tank gauge, probes, floats and installation kits for each site. Console model, software and hardware options can be listed separately or combined when ordering. Systems shipped from the factory will list the combined part number. Complete console part numbers have a specific order and are created using the following guidelines:
- XXXX = Model
- T750 = TS-750, 120 VAC.
- PM = Hardware Options
- P = Printer, standard.
- M = Internal modem.
- Y A B C = Software Options
- Y = 1, 2, 3 or 4 tanks.
- A = S, SCALD.
- B* = D – data, F – fax/data software.
- C = Continental version.
- * Data and fax/data modem options are mutually exclusive.