The use of the Brookfield low-temperature test procedure, for over a half-century, highlights the significance of this test on the performance of fluids at low-temperatures. However, a desire to simplify the test procedure arose due to the inherent temperature control problems of cold air cabinets. Heat distribution of the air within the bath created difficulties with sample warming during the transfer from the air bath to the viscometer. This required duplicate sample runs to ensure proper rotor speed determination.
Using the SimAir® Test Cell, the sample is immersed in a liquid bath held at the exact temperature desired for final analysis. With no bath cooling program, the SimAir® cell modifies heat transfer to the sample and simulates the cooling influence of the air bath – permitting the sample to develop the same viscometric characteristics as in the air bath at cooling rates of greater than 60°C/hour.
71 Ubi Crescent, #02-09 Excalibur Centre, Singapore 408571
+65 6483 2905
+65 6483 2635