
Multi-Sak Series G

Medium and High Efficiency Extended Surface Air Filters


The Koch Multi-Sak is an extended surface air filter designed for most medium and high efficiency air filtration systems.

The Multi-Sak is capable of operating in systems with rated face velocities of 500 CFM to 3000 CFM. Available efficiencies range from 20% to 95%.

Multi-Sak filters are presently in use in over 20,000 applications, including hospitals, automotive plants, office buildings, universities, pharmaceutical facilities and sports arenas around the world.

Series G: Microfiberglass Media

  • Progressively dense microfiberglass media
  • Low pressure drop
  • Unaffected by moisture or humidity
  • Available in 4 efficiency ranges:
    90-95% (MERV 14)
    80-85% (MERV 13)
    60-65% (MERV 12)
    40-50% (MERV 10)
  • Media color-coded by efficiency
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