Model 306-HS is a replacement PAF for use on MC306 cargo tanks. This relief vent meets less-than-a-liter surge requirements per §178.345-10(b)(3) and also meets the MC306 set pressure requirements of §180.407(j)(1)(i). A MC306 normal vent is included with assembly. The manhole’s overall height is 3.56″ from the top surface of the manhole collar.
Set Pressure: 3.0 to 4.4 psig
(20.6 to 30.3 kPa)
Rated Air Flow: 294,985 SCFH at 5 psig
(8,353 SCMH at 34.5 kPa)
Liquid Flow Capacity: 1,335 gpm at 5.0 psig
(5,054 lpm at 34.5 kPa)
Part Numbers:
FVAH716BXB – Standard Model (Steel zinc plated cover with nitrile seals)
FVAH742BXB – Self Latch Model (Steel zinc plated cover with nitrile seals)
7556ALBN – Relief Vent Assembly PAF 306-HS
7557BNZC – Relief Vent Assembly PAF 306-HS with strongback.
Alternate seals are available as-well-as a stainless manhole option.