
Hoses and System Accessories


Number Description
1 75 Series coaxial hose
2 F2F2 whip hose
3 CX6-A non-vapor ready dispenser hose adapter
4 F3F2 metric-type whip hose
5 S4F2 balance-type whip hose
6 8701VV breakaway
7 807 swivel breakaway

75 Series Coaxial Hose


Manufactured with a swivel on each end to provide the ease of handling customers prefer. Inverted coaxial design reduces hose size and the steel braided, premium, abuse-resistant outer hose assures long service life and low maintenance. Available in up to 20′ lengths.

F2F2 Whip Hose


Standard inverted coaxial with fixed, Healy thread hose ends.

CX6-A Non-Vapor Ready Dispenser Hose Adapter


Converts a non-vapor ready conventional dispenser thread to Healy’s inverted coaxial hose thread.

F3F2 Metric-Type Whip Hose


Adapter-type whip hose allows direct connection to the metric balance hose outlet without the need fora hose adapter.

S4F2 Balance-Type Whip Hose


Adapter-type whip hose allows direct connection to the balance hose outlet without the need for a hose adapter.

8701VV Breakaway


Full product and vapor shut-off, with 350 lbs. separation force. Spare shear screw allows ease of field repair in the event of a drive-off.

807 Swivel Breakaway


Breakaway and nozzle swivel in one. Allows for easier far side fueling. Full product and vapor path shut-off, with 350 lbs. separation force. Spare shear screw allows ease of field repair in the event of a drive-off.